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Обзор статистики зарплат профессии "Директор по логистике в Кишинёве"

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Обзор статистики зарплат профессии "Директор по логистике в Кишинёве"

10 000 L Средняя зарплата в месяц

Уровень средней зарплаты за последние 12 месяцев: "Директор по логистике в Кишинёве"

Валюта: MDL USD Год: 2024
На гистограмме изображено изменение уровня средней заработной платы профессии Директор по логистике в Кишинёве.

Распределение вакансии "Директор по логистике" по областям Кишинёве

На гистограмме изображено изменение уровня средней заработной платы профессии Директор по логистике в Кишинёве.

Рекомендуемые вакансии

Директор по маркетингу (дистрибьютор кондитерских изделий)
Best People, Кишинев, Ботаника
Мы – ведущий дистрибьютор изысканных кондитерских изделий в Молдове, радующий наших клиентов уже более 15 лет. Благодаря непревзойденной дистрибуции и сбыту, мы с гордостью предлагаем лучшие бренды из Литвы, Польши, Германии, России и других стран.Наш ассортимент насчитывает более сладких шедевров, включая шоколад, вафельные изделия, зефир, халву, восточные сладости и многое другое.Талантливые и преданные сотрудники - наша главная гордость. Сегодня в нашей семье почти увлеченных и любящих свое дело сотрудников, которые помогают нам уже на протяжении 5 лет входить в тройку лучших дистрибьюторов по импорту кондитерских изделий.Выбирая нас, наши клиенты получают:высококачественную дистрибуциюнепревзойденную ответственность и уважение к клиентамнадежную и эффективную логистику, гарантирующую своевременную доставкуМы находимся в поиске опытного Директора по маркетингу, у которого есть опыт работы в FMCG, и кто сможет взять на себя ответственность за формирование стратегии, которая позволит компании выйти на новый уровень и достигнуть определенного положения на рынке. В ваши обязанности будет входить:разработка и реализация ассортиментной политики в компаниианализ конкурентов и цен по сегментам рынка, категориям товарапоиск потенциальных поставщиков по заданным категориям товараразработка и внедрение предложений , акций для продвижения брендовпланирование, разработка, организация и проведение трейд- маркетинговых и маркетинговых мероприятий по различным каналам сбытапереговоры с поставщиками по проведению акционных мероприятий, компенсаций, рекламных кампаний, скидокежемесячный анализ остатков товара по срокам годности и формирование акции для обеспечения распродажи товарабюджетирование (планирование, учет, контроль, анализ расходования средств на маркетинг)Вам точно к нам, если:у вас есть релевантный опыт работы в FMCGвы уверенный пользователь MS OS (знание 1C или других учетных программ является преимуществом)у вас есть высшее профильное образованиевы владеете русским и английским языком (знание румынского языка является преимуществом)у вас есть опыт в управлении персоналомЛучшему кандидату мы готовы предложить:высокий окладграфик работы: понедельник - пятница, с 09:00 до 18:00уютный офис на Ботаникекомпенсация топлива для проезда на работупрофессиональное обучение и возможности карьерного ростаскидки на продукцию компании Понравилась вакансия? Высылайте свое резюме сюда:  либо звоните / пишите на номер . Это % конфиденциально.E-mail: Телефон:
Head of E-Commerce / Online Sales Director
, Chișinău
„VIORICA-COSMETIC” este cel mai mare producător de produse cosmetice din Republica Moldova, cu extinderea stabilă și creșterea vânzărilor minim cu 35% fiecare an. Produsele companiei „VIORICA-COSMETIC” câștigă premii internaţionale în fiecare an.Acum „VIORICA-COSMETIC” este în căutarea unui Head of E-Commerce / Online Sales DirectorAceasta este o oportunitate unică de a deveni o parte a echipei noastre de top-management și de a lua parte la dezvoltarea brandurilor noastre în R.Moldova pe piețele externe.Ce oferim?Program de lucru: Luni-Vineri, de la la sau de la , pauză de masă;Angajarea în conformitate cu Codul Muncii al Republicii Moldova, pachet social complet;Dezvoltarea profesională și creșterea carierei, atât în cadrul companiei, cât și în cadrul holdingului;Echipă tânară, ambițioasă și prietenoasă.Ce este nevoie pentru asta?Studii superioare, de preferință în specialitate;Experiență de minim 2 ani în managementul marketingului;Experiență în vânzări onlineExperiență în managementul produselor în IT, înțelegere suficientă a aspectelor tehnice ale magazinului online pentru a stabili sarcini pentru dezvoltatori;PC - utilizator profesionist, cunoștințe bune de MS Office, Excel, Adobe Photoshop la nivel de bază;Experiență cu instrumente analitice precum Google Analytics, Optimizely etc.;Cunoașterea limbii române, rusă la nivel înalt, cunoașterea limbii engleze va constitui un avantaj;Experiență și abilități de management, abilitatea de organizare și a conduce echipa.Ce va trebui de făcut?Planificare financiară, urmărire a performanței;Logistica, controlul stocurilor, contabilitate;Marketplace - listare, vânzări, promoții, promovare în cadrul platformei;Suport clienți prin telefon și mesagerie instant, consultații și upsell;Lucrul cu afiliații pentru a genera trafic la un preț accesibil (inclusiv un afiliat intern);Lucrul cu loyalty and direct traffic manager pentru a activa clienții fideli și clienții potențiali;Promoții online - dezvoltare, calcul, analiza eficacității;Studierea celor mai bune practici mondiale în domeniul vânzărilor online, stabilirea sarcinilor dezvoltatorilor pentru a îmbunătăți magazinul online și a introduce noi funcții;Optimizarea site-ului și magazinului online din toate punctele de vedere - usability, CRO, viteza de încărcare, securitate, SEO;Gestionarea conținutului site-ului.Pentru a aplica pentru această poziție, vă rugăm să atașați CV-ul. la adresa de e-mail cu indicarea funcției pentru care candidezi: This is a unique opportunity to become a part of our top-management team and take part in developing our brands in R.Moldova and on foreign markets.Main goals:Online sale of Viorica-Cosmetic brand products in R.Moldova and on foreign markets, team management.Financial planning, performance tracking;Logistics, stock control, accounting;Marketplace - listing, sales, promotions, promotion within the platform;Customer support by phone and instant messaging, consultations and upsell;Working with affiliates to generate traffic at an affordable price (including an internal affiliate);Working with the loyalty and direct traffic manager to activate loyal customers and potential customers;Online promotions - development, calculation, effectiveness analysis;Studying the world's best practices in the field of online sales, setting the tasks of developers to improve the online store and introduce new functions;Optimizing the website and online store from all points of view - usability, CRO, loading speed, security, SEO;Site Content Management.Candidate Requirements:Higher education, preferably in the specialty;Experience of at least 2 years in marketing management;Online sales experienceExperience in product management in IT, sufficient understanding of technical aspects of the online store to set tasks for developers;PC - professional user, good knowledge of MS Office, Excel, Adobe Photoshop at basic level;Experience with analytical tools such as Google Analytics, Optimizely, etc.;Knowledge of the Romanian and Russian language at a high levelExperience and management skills, the ability to organize yourself and the team.Suggested conditions:Registration in accordance with the Labor Code of the Republic of Moldova, complete social package;Professional development and career growth, both within the company and within the holding company;Young, ambitious and friendly team.To apply for this position, please to attach your CV to the e-mail address indicating the position for which you are applying:
Директор по продажам (Релокация в Бухарест). Производств...
, Chișinău
Наша компания развивается в Молдове с года, в Румынии – с .За 7 лет мы успешно открыли 8 шоурумов в различных городах: Бухарест, Клуж-Напока, Орадя, Брашов, Яссы. Наша цель- стать самым выбираемым производителем мебели в Румынии.В году мы участвовали в выставке BIFE-SIM в Бухаресте, в –в Pharmagora, Париж как производители мебели для фармацевтики, в году – в ExpoFarm, Дюссельдорф, также как производитель мебели для фармацевтики.Все свои продукты мы производим сами: мягкая мебель, корпусная мебель, матрасы. Наш ассортимент насчитывает более видов мебели, которые представлены в разных размерах, и в различной цветовой гамме (более цветов).Клиенты выбирают компанию за яркий живой дизайн, постоянно пополняющийся модельный ряд, качественные материалы, долговечность и очень удобные дополнительные услуги.В нашей команде в Румынии – более 50 человек (продавцы-консультанты, установщики, логистика, склад, маркетолог и директор по продажам).Мы в поиске Заместителя Директора по продажам в Бухаресте. Вашей основной задачей станет решение операционных вопросов в 8 шоурумах и выполнение плана продаж.Что нужно будет делать:- мониторить и анализировать местный рынок- участвовать в разработке плана продаж и обеспечивать его выполнение- фиксировать показатели продаж (за месяц, квартал, год)- нанимать и обучать новых сотрудников- контролировать исполнение стандартов компании в шоурумах- участвовать в переговорах с партнерами компании и добиваться лучших условий сотрудничестваВам точно к нам, если:- у вас есть опыт управления продажами (B2B/ B2C)- у вас есть опыт и навыки управления персоналом- вы умеете анализировать финансовые показатели- у вас есть навыки ведения переговоров разного уровня сложности- вы свободно говорите на румынском и английском языках- вы готовы переехать в БухарестЛучшему кандидату мы готовы предложить:- высокий оклад- годовой бонус за выполнение плана продаж- продукцию группы компаний со скидкой- высокий уровень доверия и необходимые полномочия- профильные тренинги у лучших специалистов по всему мируЗаинтересовала наша вакансия? Высылайте своё резюме на почту:  или звоните/пишите на номер .Это % конфиденциально.
Head of E-Commerce / Online Sales Director
, Chișinău
Aceasta este o oportunitate unică de a deveni o parte a echipei noastre de top-management și de a lua parte la dezvoltarea brandurilor noastre în R.Moldova pe piețele externe.Scopuri principale:Vânzarea online a produselor marca Viorica-Cosmetic în R.Moldova și pe piețele externe, managementul echipei.Și anume:Planificare financiară, urmărire a performanței;Logistica, controlul stocurilor, contabilitate;Marketplace - listare, vânzări, promoții, promovare în cadrul platformei;Suport clienți prin telefon și mesagerie instant, consultații și upsell;Lucrul cu afiliații pentru a genera trafic la un preț accesibil (inclusiv un afiliat intern);Lucrul cu loyalty and direct traffic manager pentru a activa clienții fideli și clienții potențiali;Promoții online - dezvoltare, calcul, analiza eficacității;Studierea celor mai bune practici mondiale în domeniul vânzărilor online, stabilirea sarcinilor dezvoltatorilor pentru a îmbunătăți magazinul online și a introduce noi funcții;Optimizarea site-ului și magazinului online din toate punctele de vedere - usability, CRO, viteza de încărcare, securitate, SEO;Gestionarea conținutului site-ului.Cerințe pentru candidat:Studii superioare, de preferință în specialitate;Experiență de minim 2 ani în managementul marketingului;Experiență în vânzări onlineExperiență în managementul produselor în IT, înțelegere suficientă a aspectelor tehnice ale magazinului online pentru a stabili sarcini pentru dezvoltatori;PC - utilizator profesionist, cunoștințe bune de MS Office, Excel, Adobe Photoshop la nivel de bază;Experiență cu instrumente analitice precum Google Analytics, Optimizely etc.;Cunoașterea limbii române, rusă la nivel înalt, cunoașterea limbii engleze va constitui un avantaj;Experiență și abilități de management, abilitatea de organizare și a conduce echipa.Conditii sugerate:Program de lucru: Luni-Vineri, de la la sau de la , pauză de masă;Angajarea în conformitate cu Codul Muncii al Republicii Moldova, pachet social complet;Dezvoltarea profesională și creșterea carierei, atât în cadrul companiei, cât și în cadrul holdingului;Echipă tânară, ambițioasă și prietenoasă.Pentru a aplica pentru această poziție, vă rugăm să atașați CV-ul. la adresa de e-mail cu indicarea funcției pentru care candidezi:   This is a unique opportunity to become a part of our top-management team and take part in developing our brands in R.Moldova and on foreign markets.Main goals:Online sale of Viorica-Cosmetic brand products in R.Moldova and on foreign markets, team management.Financial planning, performance tracking;Logistics, stock control, accounting;Marketplace - listing, sales, promotions, promotion within the platform;Customer support by phone and instant messaging, consultations and upsell;Working with affiliates to generate traffic at an affordable price (including an internal affiliate);Working with the loyalty and direct traffic manager to activate loyal customers and potential customers;Online promotions - development, calculation, effectiveness analysis;Studying the world's best practices in the field of online sales, setting the tasks of developers to improve the online store and introduce new functions;Optimizing the website and online store from all points of view - usability, CRO, loading speed, security, SEO;Site Content Management.Candidate Requirements:Higher education, preferably in the specialty;Experience of at least 2 years in marketing management;Online sales experienceExperience in product management in IT, sufficient understanding of technical aspects of the online store to set tasks for developers;PC - professional user, good knowledge of MS Office, Excel, Adobe Photoshop at basic level;Experience with analytical tools such as Google Analytics, Optimizely, etc.;Knowledge of the Romanian and Russian language at a high levelExperience and management skills, the ability to organize yourself and the team.Suggested conditions:Registration in accordance with the Labor Code of the Republic of Moldova, complete social package;Professional development and career growth, both within the company and within the holding company;Young, ambitious and friendly team.To apply for this position, please to attach your CV to the e-mail address indicating the position for which you are applying:   
Head of Brokerage Department
, Chișinău
 Dispatch42 is one of the fastest-growing companies in logistics because we are a customer-centric company that truly listens to clients' needs and focuses on quality and precision. Our employees are empowered and trusted as experts in their field of work.Our car hauler brokers are excellent communicators and provide strong customer service. They have a network of reliable carriers they work with. At the moment we are looking for a Head of Brokerage Department. In this role, you shall provide overall management and support to the car hauler Brokerage Team. If you are a motivated individual with a can-do attitude and an analytical problem solver, apply today! Requirements:Preferably be fluent in English;Good working and implementation knowledge of the freight brokerage systems; Good people-manager – able to direct and motivate a large diverse team of professionals. Job description:    Manage the day-to-day operations of the Brokerage Operations Team to ensure it functions effectively and efficiently; Lead the team in providing comprehensive operations support to the whole Brokerage Division;Manage the Brokerage Operations Team within the agreed business plan and budget requirements;Oversee the implementation of systems to measure the performance of the individual team’s members against budget and pre-set performance measurement criteria (including KPIs); Liaise with other management and staff within the Operations/Brokerage Divisions. We offer:Competitive salary and bonuses;Opportunities for professional growth and development;Friendly and modern working environment.We are always looking for top talent to join our team. Career path: Our company offers a wide range of vacancies for all levels of seniority to ensure the possibility to migrate to other positions or into other departments. If you are interested please send your CV to: .
Head of Customer Support
, Chișinău
 Dispatch42 is one of the fastest-growing companies in logistics because we are a customer-centric company that truly listens to clients' needs and focuses on quality and precision. Our employees are empowered and trusted as experts in their field of work.Dispatch Support team plays a key role in providing drivers and other colleagues with friendly and competent assistance.At the moment we are looking for a Head of Customer Support. This role requires that you be available for your team during their shifts, which may include evenings. You will be part of a team ensuring our delivery drivers have all the necessary items for their daily routes. If you are a motivated individual with a can-do attitude and an analytical problem solver, apply today! Requirements:Ensure that all company policies are being followed in the performance of dispatching activities;Update and keep current files on delivery trucks and employees;Able to work independently to meet goals;Great communication and problem solving skills;People management experience would be a plus;High-intermediate English level.We offer:Competitive salary and good compensation package;Full-time employment with flexible working hours;Strong and enthusiastic team — you will have the opportunity for knowledge sharing,     learning, and professional self-development;Attractive working conditions with a cozy relaxation area, playroom;Interesting and challenging tasks.We are always looking for top talent to join our team. If you are interested please send your CV to:  
Logistics manager Moldova
NRC Moldova, Кишинев
Citizens from Moldova are highly encouraged to apply for this roleThe purpose of the Logistic Manager is to be responsible that the logistic set up is according to NRC standard and to support programme/project implementation.What you will do:- Development of formalized in country logistics policy documentation in line with NRC Global procedures.- Plan and implement logistics’ strategic objectives in line with NRC Moldova strategy and global NRC objectives.- Review and improve logistics’ structure to improve performance and cost efficiency.- Develop and review Partner Logistics training guidelines to ensure Partner organizations are aware of logistical requirements and regulations- Collects, compiles, analyzes, investigates, researches, or applies logistics data and information.- Develops, modifies, prepares, or validates documentation in relation to automated logistics or maintenance data reporting systems and management information systems.- Lead on market surveys in light of NRC program’s need to improve implementation with a continuous review and improvement of local framework agreements.- Close and regular communication, coordination and planning with all logistics and program heads in all NRC AO.- Directly assisting and contributing to program and project design, including budget development.What you will bring:- Minimum 3 years of experience from working in a similar Logistics managerial capacity in a humanitarian/recovery context- Experience from working in complex and volatile contexts- Documented results related to the position’s responsibilities- Knowledge and skills in relevant data analysis and best practices in humanitarian logistics- Knowledge about own leadership skills/profile - Fluency in English, both written and verbal - Valid driver’s license Context/specific skills, knowledge and experience:- Managing resources to optimize results- Managing performance and development- Initiating action and change- Handling insecure environments- Strategic thinking- InfluencingKey Information - Please Take Note When ApplyingLearn more about NRC here Please note that we are unable to provide work permits or visa sponsorships for this position - Citizens of Moldova are highly encouraged to apply.Apply by completing all the system-required fields of your experience, employment history, and education in your application onhttps://www.nrc.no/jobs/#en/sites/CX_/requisitions/preview//?mode=geolocationEnsure to attach your latest CV and application in English.When creating your profile, include your full name as per your passport.Applications that do not meet the minimum standards in terms of experience or qualifications will generally not be considered.Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. We receive many applicants for each vacant position.
Logistics manager
Joyce Motor Group, Кишинев
“Joyce Motor Group” continues to expand and grow!We need Right Person, for Right job, Right now!Come and join an exciting team full of great opportunities and people! Requirements:• Exceptional verbal and written communication in English is a must• Full time job availability (evening shifts)• Proficient in MS Office (Excel and Word)• Aptitude to work autonomously, with accuracy and effective execution and with little direction• Ability to learn a new software quickly• Previous experience in dispatching and logistics is an advantageWe offer:• Legal employment (full social package)• Work at modern and fully equipped office• Bonusses program• Competitive salary• Free training (for those with no experience)Send your CV to today, and tomorrow you can start a successful career at an International Transport Company!
Директор по продажам в call-центр! (Руководитель call - центра)
VladStarMain, Кишинев
PrimeStore24- это стартап, предлагающий широкий ассортимент товаров повседневного спроса для европейского рынка.Мы специализируемся на электронной коммерции и ориентированы на потребности европейских потребителей, предоставляя разнообразный выбор продуктов, созданных для улучшения их повседневной жизни.На данный момент проект запущен в трех странах: Италия, Румыния, Греция. Мы планируем продолжить экспансию на европейский рынок, чтобы увеличить свою клиентскую базу и расширить свое географическое присутствие. Наша миссия: Мы предлагаем широкий ассортимент товаров повседневного спроса, включая товары собственного производства, товары для дома, бытовую технику, одежду, аксессуары и многое другое. Качество и доступность: Мы стремимся предоставлять клиентам продукцию высокого качества по доступным ценам, чтобы каждый мог позволить себе покупки по доступным ценам.Удобство онлайн-покупок: Наша платформа обеспечивает простую и удобную среду для заказа товаров онлайн, делая процесс покупок максимально комфортным для клиентов.Поддержка и сервис: Мы ценим каждого клиента и стремимся обеспечить высокий уровень обслуживания, предоставляя моментальную поддержку и быструю доставку заказов.Познакомиться с товарной линейкой можно на сайте: https://www.primestore24.site/catalog?brand=2  Мы ищем профессионала, который возглавит наш колл-центр и обеспечит его эффективную работу на всех уровнях. Кандидат должен обладать широким спектром навыков и опыта (закупки, логистика, маркетинг, продажи, обучение сотрудников), чтобы успешно руководить всеми аспектами работы колл-центра.Обязанности: Управление и координация команды продаж для достижения целей по объему продаж и прибыли.Анализ рынка и конкурентной среды для выявления новых возможностей роста и развития бизнеса.Постоянное взаимодействие с директором компании для выработки стратегических решений.Обеспечение выполнения KPI и мониторинг показателей эффективности колл-центра.Развитие и обучение команды колл-центра, создание мотивационных программ и поддержка профессионального роста сотрудников.Взаимодействие с другими отделами компании для решения вопросов клиентского сервиса и улучшения взаимодействия между отделами.Требования: Опыт работы в должности руководителя отдела продаж или аналогичной позиции в call - цен тре не менее 3 лет.Знание рынка товаров народного потребления из Китая и опыт реализации продуктов в странах Европы.Успешный опыт увеличения объемов продаж и улучшения рыночной доли. Высшее образование в сфере управления бизнесом, маркетинга или экономики.Отличные коммуникационные и лидерские навыки.Владение английским языком, русский преимущество.Готовность к командировкам и работе в международной среде.Релокейт в Молдову, а также, рассматривается удаленный формат работы. Мы предлагаем:Конкурентную заработную плату и премиальную систему.Возможности профессионального и карьерного роста в успешной компании.Работу в динамичной и дружной команде профессионалов.Мы готовы рассмотреть ваши ожиданиям относительно заработной платы и предложить соответствующие условия. Наша цель - создать взаимовыгодное соглашение, которое учитывает ваши профессиональные достижения и вклад в развитие компании.Мы готовы обсудить вашу ожидаемую компенсацию на личном собеседовании и договориться о взаимовыгодном решении.Если вы уверены, что соответствуете нашим требованиям и готовы внести свой вклад в развитие компании, присылайте ваше резюме на адрес с пометкой "Руководитель Отдела Продаж".- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vacancy: Sales Department ManagerLocation: Chisinau, Moldova PrimeStore24 is a startup offering a wide range of everyday consumer goods for the European market. We specialize in e-commerce and are focused on meeting the needs of European consumers by providing a diverse selection of products designed to improve their daily lives. Currently, the project is launched in three countries: Italy, Romania, and Greece. We plan to continue expanding into the European market to increase our customer base and expand our geographic presence.Our mission: We offer a wide range of everyday consumer goods, including products of our own production, home goods, appliances, clothing, accessories, and much more. Quality and affordability: We strive to provide customers with high-quality products at affordable prices, making purchases accessible to everyone. Convenience of online shopping: Our platform provides a simple and convenient environment for ordering products online, making the purchasing process as comfortable as possible for customers.Support and service: We value each customer and strive to provide a high level of service, offering instant support and fast order delivery.You can familiarize yourself with our product line on the website: https://www.primestore24.site/catalog?brand=2 We are looking for a professional to lead our call center and ensure its effective operation at all levels. The candidate should possess a wide range of skills and experience (procurement, logistics, marketing, sales, employee training) to successfully manage all aspects of the call center's operation. Responsibilities:Management and coordination of the sales team to achieve sales volume and profit goals.Market analysis and competitive environment assessment to identify new growth opportunities and business development.Constant interaction with the company's director to develop strategic decisions.Ensuring compliance with established KPIs and monitoring call center performance indicators.Development and training of the call center team, creating motivational programs, and supporting employees' professional growth.Interaction with other company departments to resolve customer service issues and improve departmental cooperation.Requirements:Experience in a sales department manager or similar position in a call center for at least 3 years.Knowledge of the consumer goods market from China and experience in product sales in European countries.Successful experience in increasing sales volumes and improving market share.Higher education in business management, marketing, or economics.Excellent communication and leadership skills.Proficiency in English, Russian is an advantage.Readiness for business trips and work in an international environment.Relocation to Moldova, as well as remote work, is considered.We offer:Competitive salary and bonus system.Opportunities for professional and career growth in a successful company.Work in a dynamic and friendly team of professionals.We are ready to consider your salary expectations and offer corresponding conditions. Our goal is to create a mutually beneficial agreement that takes into account your professional achievements and contribution to the company's development. We are ready to discuss your expected compensation in a personal interview and reach a mutually beneficial solution.If you are confident that you meet our requirements and are ready to contribute to the company's development, please send your resume to with the subject line "Sales Department Manager". 
Logistics manager (Dispatch)
Logistics Gateway, Кишинев
Logistics Gateway is an advanced digital company that connects customers and businesses in the logistics industry.We are looking for a Logistics Manager in AI Dispatch:Requirements include proficient English and advanced IT skills, highly analytical, capable of multitasking, and resilient to stress.Responsibilities:- Data processing, including analysis, and reporting (USA IT Platforms);- Maintain excellent communication with customers;- Other duties as allocated based on company requirements.We offer:- Adaptation period;- Comfortable office / business center;- Flexible work schedule (USA Time Zone);- Piecework basis payment and bonuses;- Social package;Please send us your CV to